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W-3 Laser Transmittals (1- Part):
W-3 Laser Transmittals (1- Part)
Item #: TF52001
Use the W-3 form to summarize W-2 information for the SSA. You are required to complete one W-3 form for each employer. Forms are 8 ½” x 11” with no perforations and are to be preprinted with red scannable ink. However, if you are laser generating your W-2 forms with IRS approved software in 2001, you can print the W-3 on blank paper with black ink.

Product Details
  • Use to Transmit: Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement.
  • Quality Paper: Government approved 20# bond paper.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with laser or inkjet printers.
  • Paper Filing Due Date: To Recipient January 31st.
  • Size: 8 1/2" x 11"